Proven Fund marketing strategies to get you seen, heard, and sold.

The tools to help raise AUM and get you to where
you need to go!

Over 20 Years of Real Results

I’ve spent over 20 years in the investment industry aiming to connect investment firms and funds to high quality investors and grow assets under management. Capital Velocity Group has evolved along with our industry and today, I believe that successful asset gathering requires strategic marketing tactics, software solutions, curated content and clear branding.  I can help you make connections, benefit from years of experience and execute strategies to get you seen and engaged with the people you want to know and can help you the most.

Because, wouldn’t it be great if you had all this:

High-quality prospects actively engaged at every stage of your funnel.

Recognition as the best in the business with high-quality and best fit clients.

Marketing tools at your fingertips to keep you connected to your prospects.

A memorable and impactful brand to set you apart from the competition.

Hi Everyone!

I’m Joyce and I provide digital and traditional marketing strategies to early stage boutique investment firms and fund managers who want to create zero distance to their clients. This isn’t my first rodeo. I’ve been in marketing and sales with different investment firms for over 20 years and earned my Series 7 and Series 63 Licenses along the way. I’m friendly, honest, a straight talker, and I live for creating new playbooks that give my clients high quality results based on data and smart strategies. 

And, I know you’ll love this: I have a deep understanding of how to match an investor segment with a firm’s current level of assets and their investment strategies.

Are you ready to do this?


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Capital Velocity Group logo in vertical position.

Choose from one of these services below:

There’s no one size fits all solution here. Click on any service to learn more about how we can help.

Go ahead! It’s that easy.

Rolodex Creation!

Customized to get results.

Digital & Traditional Marketing!

Strategies to get you seen and selling.


Be in control of your narrative to maximize sales and engagement.

When you want big growth, you need a catalyst to get you there and a customized rolodex is a great place to start. A rolodex tailored to suit your business goals and laser focused on the highest-quality and best-fit investment partners can be just the momentum you need. If you are seeking to grow your assets under your management, targeting the right clients will allow you to dial in your efforts to do more of what you do best! So, leave the stale lists behind and let’s curate you a powerful rolodex, designed to strategically connect you with the prospects you seek.

Client and supplier celebrating over successful hedge fund marketing strategies.

Marketing, whether traditional or digital, works best when it is customized. There is no one size-fits-all approach. I offer tailored marketing strategies to identify your ideal client, shorten your sales cycle and increase engagement through your entire funnel. Traditional marketing savvy meets with cutting edge digital software and tools to provide you with a well-rounded marketing playbook to get you in front of long-term, high-quality investment partners.

A man providing hedge fund digital marketing and lead generation services at Capital Velocity Group.
Group of creatives at Capital Velocity Group working on a hedge fund's branding.

Let’s answer the all-important questions: WHAT is your backstory, WHY are you doing this, WHAT is your purpose and WHAT solution do you bring that nails that pain point for your prospects? You gotta let them know why you are the ONLY choice to get the results they seek and your branding tells that story.

Capital Velocity Group logo in vertical position.

What are you waiting for?

You want to grow? We can help get you there. Smart, digital and traditional strategies, tailored branding to tell your story, and customized rolodex designed to attract your ideal investors. Oh, and metrics so you actually know what’s working. Pull up a chair and let’s get started.

Investment fund managers in a meeting discussing the best marketing strategies for a client with Capital Velocity.
Joyce Schaer gives advice to a client in front of a laptop.

Our Clients Love Us!

Sometimes it’s good to hear it from others who have been in the exact same shoes as you.
